Saturday 18 July 2015

What goes around, comes back around!!!

A Simple Act Of Kindness Creates An Endless Ripple...

What goes around comes back around" or "as you sow, so shall you reap" is the basic understanding of how karma, the law of cause and effect, works. Life in other words is echo and nothing more, what you give you will get, what you send out comes back, what you see in other exists in you. No one has ever become poor by giving. Do good and good will come to you. Don't waste your time in revenge those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma and vice versa. When a bird is alive it eats ants, when the bird is dead ants eats the bird, time and circumstances can change at anytime. Don't devalue or hurt anyone in life. You may be powerful today but remember karma is more powerful than you; so be good and do good!!! You can always try to do simple acts of kindness on your daily bases like; try helping

  • your family members in many ways,
  • your friends,
  • your neighbors
  • the disabled ones in your surroundings; you can also do small acts of kindness like
  • helping the needy
  • try to build confidence in others
  • praise generously
  • donate in natural disasters
  • drive responsibly
  • offer food to the beggars 
  • visiting the person who is ill and hospitalized
  • give small gifts as a token of appreciation if anyone helped you out in any matter
  • donate to charities
  • give positive vibes and so on...
and if you can't do anything from the above list the smallest act of kindness which you can do is to SMILE and make others smile. TRY TO BE THE MAN IN THE QUEUE...

Sunday 12 July 2015

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

I totally agree with this, no doubt that technology is so amazing and fascinating but now we spend hours and hours in our rooms instead of sitting with family and especially annoying our parents and grandparents, who use to give lots of time to their families when they were young. We are hurting our relations. Whatever happens whether; it is weather or a new dress or anything like we are sad, or happy, we take selfie and upload it and then start typing and reading comments, that is the wrong way. We should go out and share the moment, we should actually live that moment instead of trapping ourselves. Everyone is faking in this world , they pretend that they are satisfied with their life but in reality they are all like broken mirrors . It's our time we have to start like from the very first day of life . We should get closer again, technology is gradually separating us from natural things. Learn to communicate with others. Find those you can communicate with, and exchange ideas. Take some time off from social media and appreciate your real space and real people. Social Media has it's place, but it cannot be the be all and end all! Social media and technology has it's purposes and limitations. There are times when FB & other types of technology can assist us and there are times it helps to distract and deter us from our attentions, intentions and work that has to be done. It becomes a pacifier for some who compare themselves to others and use this technology negatively instead of for positive growth and improvement. I had a a friend who lived on it practically 24/7 and it nearly destroyed her and in the process it negatively affected her relationships to family, friends and her loved ones who no longer felt the significance of her in their life by how she made the social media her priority and focus. She utilized it for the wrong purposes and cast aside that which was real, tangible and used to bring joy into her life but just like her there are many others who sit next to each other doing the same instead of conversing, they use their I- to I-phones and apps to chat instead of having significant meaningful eye-to eye contact!. People must realize how important time is and how we will spend it to make moments not just a one click photo but a memory that can never be delete or corrupt . People should embrace all the natural surroundings not a bunch of simulations. People should embrace persons, real person not an emoticon, family should embrace children not a skype. This is the awful truth about innovation they are making us near to each other yet too far. I did bought one simple mobile just for answering calls. I did used it for one week that week it was the most longer week in my life. I got plenty of time can't know what to do in the first day but i did set plan for the next day and i did really had such nice time. Now my plan is to use the social media only twice a week and enjoying the rest of the week with the loved ones. Believe me the life more nicer than those screens! But still i am not denying the fact that the social media is important for communications for only one hour a week. Everywhere you look, people are all looking at their phones, texting, e-mails etc. For heaven sake start communicating with people; the phone should only be used for emergency purposes. Nobody talks, this is a sad world, smile to someone and talk to them, this world can be a better place by communicating with the person beside you. Love talking to people!!!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

#cut#so far the ever best..


I'm not a stranger

No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore                           

A fragile frame aged
With misery
And when our eyes meet
I know you see

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut

I may seem crazy

Or painfully shy
And these scars wouldn't be so hidden
If you would just look me in the eye
I feel alone here and cold here
Though I don't want to die
But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut
I am not alone
I am not alone

I'm not a stranger

No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore

But I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I found it when
I was cut

Saturday 4 July 2015

Human Beings; WE HAVE DARK SIDES....

"Demons don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head"

Demon of lust, demon of fear, demon of sarcasm, demon of sins, demon of bad deeds, demon of greed, demon of suspicious etc all are hidden demons among ourselves. All these demons are sleeping inside us it depends on us which one we awake. Beware if anyone of them will take control over us it won't go to sleep again and will destroy you in many unexpected ways. Demons which makes you sacrifice your happiness and smile though! you must be so very careful while waking anyone of them or else you will face the consequences for sure. The one you will wake up it will make your nights sleepless, gives you wounds that don't gush blood and your soul full of scars. It changes you inner to outer that much you don't recognize your own self. It will turn your humanity off. On the other hand it makes you feelingless and emotionless. It will tortures you, haunts you all the time like a creepy nightmare. You will feel that your soul is dragging on the rough surface and above all no one is their to help you out. You will get stuck in the darkest room of your life with no way out. These demons are so pious once they are awake they will follow you throughout your life. They will take control over your mind and eventually switch of your conscious. How to fight them back is the question? 

Positivity and negativity  is a universal law. Both works side by side. Allah is there, so do the devil, so is the good in you and bad in you. Nobody is perfect. Matter of fact is that which you choose the demon or the angel. If you choose angel within you it will lead you to your inner peace on the other hand if you choose demon within you it will lead you to self destruction. So choice is yours! Because you are always in a war within yourself for right and wrong. There are devilish thoughts emerging even in most angelic minds. Its typically your strength and choice which one you resist and which you don't. 
In my opinion you should never shudder or get indulged with your demons ignoring the angels in you. It depends on you how you battle them out. Always stand up and fight back and never let them take control over you but conquer them. Be a winner in this fight of yours.

"And so it is, that both the Devil and the angelic Spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice"