Saturday 4 July 2015

Human Beings; WE HAVE DARK SIDES....

"Demons don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head"

Demon of lust, demon of fear, demon of sarcasm, demon of sins, demon of bad deeds, demon of greed, demon of suspicious etc all are hidden demons among ourselves. All these demons are sleeping inside us it depends on us which one we awake. Beware if anyone of them will take control over us it won't go to sleep again and will destroy you in many unexpected ways. Demons which makes you sacrifice your happiness and smile though! you must be so very careful while waking anyone of them or else you will face the consequences for sure. The one you will wake up it will make your nights sleepless, gives you wounds that don't gush blood and your soul full of scars. It changes you inner to outer that much you don't recognize your own self. It will turn your humanity off. On the other hand it makes you feelingless and emotionless. It will tortures you, haunts you all the time like a creepy nightmare. You will feel that your soul is dragging on the rough surface and above all no one is their to help you out. You will get stuck in the darkest room of your life with no way out. These demons are so pious once they are awake they will follow you throughout your life. They will take control over your mind and eventually switch of your conscious. How to fight them back is the question? 

Positivity and negativity  is a universal law. Both works side by side. Allah is there, so do the devil, so is the good in you and bad in you. Nobody is perfect. Matter of fact is that which you choose the demon or the angel. If you choose angel within you it will lead you to your inner peace on the other hand if you choose demon within you it will lead you to self destruction. So choice is yours! Because you are always in a war within yourself for right and wrong. There are devilish thoughts emerging even in most angelic minds. Its typically your strength and choice which one you resist and which you don't. 
In my opinion you should never shudder or get indulged with your demons ignoring the angels in you. It depends on you how you battle them out. Always stand up and fight back and never let them take control over you but conquer them. Be a winner in this fight of yours.

"And so it is, that both the Devil and the angelic Spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice"

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