Saturday 27 June 2015


it was all dry and arid, All hopes of spring were shattered and out of nowhere
 Every relation change with time no matter how strong it is! Its in the nature of human beings. They are adaptive to everything new which attracts them. To be constant is not even in the nature prevailing around us. If someone claims that their relation with you will remain same at all times they must be misinterpreting it with their present feelings. Never attach false hopes to it. Besides;  its not even the fault of that person, its simply a  thing of nature no one should be blamed on this because change is constant. What we usually do we trust the words keeping the fact aside. Due to this we get hurt sometimes. Hopes are attach to words and when we come across the fact that nothing in permanent we start blaming the person. We feel that may be they did this on purpose which is wrong. My point is that you should follow your mind and your heart both at the same time. Feeling grief, agony or misery afterwards is not acceptable. Try to live in the moment rather than making future plans, thinking that all of your expectations are going to be come true. 

  • Keep balance in life.
  • Stop thinking about the future.
  • Stop blaming.
  • Stop expecting alot from other, may be what they gave you was all what they have!       
  • Be a giver rather than a receiver.
  • Let go of with regrets and grudges.
  • Stop being sad for the upcoming life focus on your present or you will loose what you have right now.
  • Start counting your blessings. 
  • Take a new start.
  • Feel in the moments.
  • Dance in the rain.
  • Wish on dandelions.
  • Eat chocolates.:)
  • Believe in magic.

                                                                                                                       Be Happy!!!