Tuesday 9 June 2015

LOVE HUMANLY...:) (dedication)

 Why we should ever give up on a person, We would give up everything for???
I can never digest particularly this fact of humans. We are not animals that one day we used to be with someone and the other day their is nothing. How could one even thinks like that? I wonder. I never believed on the saying: Let them go, if they return they were always yours. I can't figure it why you let them go at the first place? Relationships are not meant to be gain experiences, they are their just to be in love.
"But if they are willing to go than let them go do not be materialistic because if you truly love than your happiness lies in their happiness"
what the heck is that, this kind of stupid counseling you used to hear is nothing but a piece of crap though! What I am trying to say is be selfish, be impatient, be materialistic because love is to get, not to let go of. And even if a point comes that you love someone and all you find is pain and hurt, never let go of keep trying, keep holding on because with time everything will make sense eventually. If you love something your natural instinct is to hold on to it. What I really mean is that when you love someone you do not have to look for the faults, do not look for the answers, do not look for mistakes. Instead you fight the mistakes, you have to accept the faults and you must over look excuses. " THE MEASURE OF LOVE IS WHEN YOU LOVE WITHOUT MEASURES". So if you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you are ok, who watches out for you and wants the very best for you, do not let them go keep them much closer and never take them for granted. People like that are hard to find!!!

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