Saturday 6 June 2015

INNER CHILD...a part of you!!!!

Everyone has a child inside.No matter what your age is you have a part that is CHILDISH, which is full of innocence, love, stupidness and most of all cuteness.That part of you must be nurtured from the people closer to you as it only comes out infront of the people you are most comfortable with.Its that part of our personality which is more positive and makes us stop while becoming a monster.Mostly people do not want that part of you to be nursed while saying; Grow UP! or be mature.But what i recommend is never let anyone destroy that part in you because if that part is crushed you can never be same as before.Try to be with the person who enhances this part of you. Who feels happy to see a child in you rather then taking it out from you because that is the person who loves you irrevocably and unconditionally.So love to be childish; to be stubborn at times; to act stupid; to feel innocent because only you have the authority to decide what is good for you!!!
    Feel proud to be childish...:) <3

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