Friday 28 August 2015

to restore all the broken one's out there!!!

I like broken people, those one who are still some how managing to stand up on their feet.
Struggling against the past, 
Dreaming about the future, 
They keep looking for the lost pieces of themselves in every soul they meet, and its truly beautiful when you realize...
A piece of you which you thought had become useless, fits perfectly in them!!!

I know that they are not bitter, they are sad though but it is a hopeful kind of sad, the kind of sad that just takes the time. I think these kind of people are rare to find may be they are the saddest but they always try hardest to make other people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they do not want anybody to feel like that.


Time indeed is the best cure in itself it can eventually heal everything broken. According to me 
"We love in mysterious ways, It is both beautiful and monstrous".
 Depends which you choose after being broken. Keep telling yourself that the monstrous part is never going to take away the beautiful one because that will depict your upcoming life whether its going to be pure or sinful. Keep reminding yourself that their is no use in hopeless pleas of trying to make someone stay. 
My friend said to me that: The one's who broke your heart are the only one's who can fix it!!! Accepted because for that certain moment you were feeling devastated. But the fact is God is there, He is the best healer. Don't you know that God cares about every single part of your life. He knows what is more better for you. My recommendation is never ever try to swim in the ashes of the bridges you have burned, let it go, never keep holding on to something which hurts and keep you broken.
"You are too young to be that much sad" :)

No one is broken beyond repairs, May be the scars are big and the pain is visible, but then THE SUN SHINES.. AND HAPPINESS RAINS.. All you have to do is RE-PAINT yourself!!!

He wants to bring healing to your mind; He wants to help you overcome emotional pain; He wants you to feel good physically and have plenty of energy...not be worn-out from sickness.


Friday 21 August 2015

So many little know..!!!

"Always be careful of what you hear about a women, Rumors either comes from a man that can't have her or a women who can't compete with her"
It’s been said, “knowledge is power.” Unfortunately, many people like to spread damaging information or intimate details about others, whether true or not. This is what is called rumor. It used to be that people called rumor, “dishing the dirt.” Whatever it’s called, people use rumor to hurt people, in order to feel good about themselves, and to feel like they have power over others.

The most dangerous part about rumor is that  it 
steals another person’s reputation.

The most dangerous part about rumor is that it steals another person’s reputation. A reputation is very fragile. When you gossip, you are helping to destroy something extremely valuable. 
We don't have to be good friends with everyone — or even like everyone. But not liking another person doesn't give someone the right to spread rumors, gossip, or put downs. Acting like this shows a lack of courage. It's a false way to gain popularity or status in the group. 
Rumors can make people upset, angry, or even depressed. No matter what people are saying about you, keep your head high and remember who you are. Don't let other people determine your value in this life and stay strong, no matter what people are saying about you. Make sure to spend time with good friends, get enough sleep, and to maintain your self-esteem in spite of what people are saying about you.Real popularity comes from feeling comfortable with ourselves. People who are truly well liked treat everyone with respect and fairness. They don't put other people down or try to gain power by having "followers." They're confident and sure of themselves, so they don't have to resort to this kind of behavior.
You may be so busy worrying about how to convince people the rumors aren't true that you haven't spent time taking care of yourself. Well, you've got to focus on yourself -- instead of the meaningless hurt caused by others -- if you want to go back to having a happy, healthy life.

Monday 17 August 2015

epic !!!

Goyan keshk aqbat taskeen ast
Awal shor ast aqbat namkeen ast
Har chanz aasiyat sang zeerey
Ee surat-e-beqrar barbin ast

Haal e dil ye dekhta tu ja
Haal e dil ye dekhta tu ja
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann aa
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann aa
Hai diyar e dil sulagta sa
Hai diyar e dil sulagta sa
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann aa
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann aa

Aik pal jo hai judai ka
Ye nahi hai bewafai ka
Aati jaati dhoop aur chahun
Gham agar hai narasai ka
Yaad bhi hai ik sahara sa
Yaad bhi hai ik sahara sa
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann aa
Yaar e mann, yaar e mann a

Saturday 15 August 2015

Be original!!!

"I am figuring out which parts of my personality are mine and which ones I created to please you!!!"

Sometimes we try to show the world we are flawless in hopes that we will be liked and accepted by everyone, but we can’t please everyone and we shouldn’t try. The beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our complex emotions, and our authentic imperfections. When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic, instead of who we think others want us to be, we open ourselves up to real relationships, real happiness, and real success.

There is no need to put on a mask. There is no need to pretend to be someone you’re not. You have nothing to prove to anyone else, because…No one can play your role better than you and You are the best when you are you. Always believe this. Remember, you were alone when you were born. No one else came with you. So since the first day of your life you were alone and even on the last day of your life you'll be alone so how can you expect any other person to play your role? Only one person knows yourself better and its only you. So only you can play your role better, no one else can do it anyway.

You don’t need a standing ovation or a bestseller or a promotion or a million bucks. You are enough right now. You have nothing to prove. Care less about who you are to others and more about who you are to yourself. You will have less heartaches and disappointments the minute you stop seeking from others the validation only YOU can give yourself.

“It is none of our business what other people think of us.”

You have a relationship with yourself 24/7, there will never be another person as unique as you. We are all unique in different ways. Loving ourselves is vital for happiness and fulfillment. I believe everything will fall into place if you love yourself unconditionally. It is not ego. You cannot give to others, what you don’t have yourself. Self love also attracts people who love you for you.

To myself, I love u with all my heart.