Friday 21 August 2015

So many little know..!!!

"Always be careful of what you hear about a women, Rumors either comes from a man that can't have her or a women who can't compete with her"
It’s been said, “knowledge is power.” Unfortunately, many people like to spread damaging information or intimate details about others, whether true or not. This is what is called rumor. It used to be that people called rumor, “dishing the dirt.” Whatever it’s called, people use rumor to hurt people, in order to feel good about themselves, and to feel like they have power over others.

The most dangerous part about rumor is that  it 
steals another person’s reputation.

The most dangerous part about rumor is that it steals another person’s reputation. A reputation is very fragile. When you gossip, you are helping to destroy something extremely valuable. 
We don't have to be good friends with everyone — or even like everyone. But not liking another person doesn't give someone the right to spread rumors, gossip, or put downs. Acting like this shows a lack of courage. It's a false way to gain popularity or status in the group. 
Rumors can make people upset, angry, or even depressed. No matter what people are saying about you, keep your head high and remember who you are. Don't let other people determine your value in this life and stay strong, no matter what people are saying about you. Make sure to spend time with good friends, get enough sleep, and to maintain your self-esteem in spite of what people are saying about you.Real popularity comes from feeling comfortable with ourselves. People who are truly well liked treat everyone with respect and fairness. They don't put other people down or try to gain power by having "followers." They're confident and sure of themselves, so they don't have to resort to this kind of behavior.
You may be so busy worrying about how to convince people the rumors aren't true that you haven't spent time taking care of yourself. Well, you've got to focus on yourself -- instead of the meaningless hurt caused by others -- if you want to go back to having a happy, healthy life.